Obrázok novinky
1. 9. 2022

What is behind the release of hockey cards?

The manufacturer of collectible cards SportZoo entered the Czech hockey card market in the 2021/22 season. He just recently announced the release of the 2nd collection in the 2021/22 year. We shed some light on what happens before the card finds itself in the hands of collectors.
Fotka autora

Dávid Lech

The manufacturer of collectible cards SportZoo entered the Czech hockey card market in the 2021/22 season. He just recently announced the release of the 2nd collection in the 2021/22 year. We shed some light on what happens before the card finds itself in the hands of collectors.


"It is a rather lengthy process, which I will try to summarize at least," the founder of SportZoo, Daniel Mrva, began his story and immediately spoke: "Everything is preceded by the collection of feedback from the collectors themselves. We use special forms for this, at the same time after the release of the collection we regularly monitor all the reactions of collectors on the Internet. Subsequently, the process of creating a checklist, i.e. a list of selected sets in the collection and the players we will include in it."


Then the hard work on all fronts will start. "Graphics propose individual set designs, collection managers work closely with league or club (marketing) managers, and the process of acquiring so-called memorabilia begins - i.e. material from players/clubs, which will subsequently be found in cards. Whether it's game jerseys, hockey sticks, or other parts of the equipment. A final checklist or schedule for photographing selected matches is created. We get the necessary materials from the clubs and our colleagues also start creating texts that are an integral part of the back pages of the cards."


Part of the process is also the checking of photos or subsequent re-photos of the missing players. A lot of time is taken up by the very selection of suitable photos for the cards, the completion of the texts, and their distribution into the prepared visuals of the cards, which is ensured by 'DTP' graphic designers.


"We also spend long hours during the proofreading, when we check whether the cards will go to print without errors," explains Mrva about the creation process, adding in a second breath: "Although the cards are also checked by the clubs themselves, we do not always manage to avoid minor typos. Sometimes we have to "succeeded" in assigning a different nationality to the player."


Proofreading is followed by the production phase itself, which entails several small but important processes: "Whether it's the graphic preparation of packages and boxes, checking the final checklist, the last proofreading, or preparing instructions for signing cards and signing them themselves. Every single detail must deserve our attention so that nothing is forgotten."


Subsequently, the packaging of the collection takes place, the details of marketing campaigns and collaborations are fine-tuned, the distribution of the packaging of cards by official sellers is ensured, and the players themselves are also not forgotten. "Each player who is part of the collection will receive their own cards as a souvenir - many are very happy with the cards and they like them very much, which is also a satisfaction for us for the effort put in."


After the start of sales, the processing of orders follows. Only after all that, do the cards get into the hands of collectors. "Behind every published collection is a lot of hidden, painstaking work. We are pleased that we have established ourselves as a manufacturer among local collectors since 2016, and we believe that with our work we will bring them a lot of joy and pleasant moments spent in this rare hobby," he concluded talking founder and director of SportZoo.

Fotka autora

Dávid Lech

Official card manufacturer

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